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Data protection intervention for student teacher placement planning folders

In recent years, and particularly in the wake of Covid-19, there has been an increasing need to develop digital formats for student work placement portfolios. Some placements, like teacher training in schools, carry additional data protection and privacy challenges. At UHI, institutional platforms and services are carefully vetted and implemented,… Read More »Data protection intervention for student teacher placement planning folders

Virtual Practicum – Developing Tasks

The second week of our four-week Virtual Practicum was designed to focus on developing tasks for learning. The week’s activities drew on and linked to previous work on curriculum and inclusion as part of the wider PGDE Primary programme and provided an opportunity for students to apply their new knowledge… Read More »Virtual Practicum – Developing Tasks

Developing a Digital Platform – literacy

Virtual Practicum 1 Planning and preparing a virtual placement experience, meant that we needed to consider the key aspects of teaching and learning and sequence this overtime. As such, the first week of our four-week Virtual Practicum was designed to focus on the development of a digital classroom. This was… Read More »Developing a Digital Platform – literacy

Developing digital literacies through an online student conference

Edinburgh Napier University established a new PGDE programme within the School of Applied Sciences in August 2019.  In designing a new PGDE programme from scratch, we decided to build in digital literacy at a very basic structural level.  Initially, we were interested in Digital Skills Development (Strand 1) and Pedagogy… Read More »Developing digital literacies through an online student conference

makey makey workshop stickers

Dundee’s DJ Jelly does digital literacy!

One of the inputs that we deliver to our 3rd year MA(Hons) at the University of Dundee’s School of Education and Social Work is the Makey Makey challenge. It is part of a module that focuses on Learning Beyond Subject Boundaries. The purpose of the input is three-fold: To develop… Read More »Dundee’s DJ Jelly does digital literacy!

Connecting learners across a digital network

As a network of geographically dispersed colleges, UHI has an established blended learning framework that supports local access to Further and Higher Education, including Initial Teacher Education. We have undergraduate degrees in Gaelic and Home Economics Education (with an RMPS teaching degree in development), PGDE programmes in Primary, Secondary and… Read More »Connecting learners across a digital network

Developing a Virtual Practicum

While Covid-19 has presented Initial Teacher Education (ITE) with many challenges, it has also presented opportunities to develop our digital capabilities. A specific opportunity it presented at the University of Aberdeen came from a need to consider how our September school experience placement would take place for our Primary PGDE… Read More »Developing a Virtual Practicum

Using Children’s Picture Books as a Context for the Development of Computational Thinking Skills

Rationale It is fundamental to the delivery of this content that professional development is aligned with the significant aspects of learning framework. Our programme is structured around the theory that underpins progression across the three organisers to assist our student teachers in recognising key developmental stages in learning about computing concepts.  Computing Science is one of the six themes identified within the National Framework for… Read More »Using Children’s Picture Books as a Context for the Development of Computational Thinking Skills

Teaching about ‘Tech for Good’

An example from the University of Edinburgh The PGDE Primary students at the University of Edinburgh take part in a 3 hour technologies workshop focussed around the use of designing digital technology for social good. The class is designed to model how teachers can nurture creative and collaborative cultures within… Read More »Teaching about ‘Tech for Good’